Qigong Health & Wellness
Hi, I'm Sarah! Over time, we've lost our connection with our internal world, instead focusing so heavily on circumstances and what's going on outside of us. For successful healing to occur, shifting our attention inward is critical. This journey begins with a willingness to look deeper into yourself and what's keeping you stuck. Also, with an openness to experiencing alternative healing methods - ones that have been utilized in China for thousands of years.
I offer qigong workout classes, medical qigong treatments, and various health and wellness workshops. I also upload guided meditations every Monday.
Translated from Chinese, qi (pronounced chee) means energy, and gong means cultivation or discipline. Qigong is a 3,500+ year-old mind-body-spirit practice that combines gentle movement, meditation, and breath to promote optimum health and wellness. It's designed to create internal power and generate more energy. Qigong has also been referred to as "energy yoga".