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Event Info:
  • Tuesday July 18, 2023
  • 11:00 am - Wednesday July 19, 2023 04:00 pm
  • Sykesville Freedom District Fire, Sykesville Road, Sykesville, MD

Deven’s Deals Renaissance Firehouse Faire

Hark, good people of the realm! On the morn of August 19th, from the eleventh hour until the fourth, we bid thee to partake in the glorious Renaissance Firehouse Faire! Enthralling live minstrels shall play, and amazing performers shall astonish! Feast upon delectable fare from ye old food trucks, and quench thy thirst with libations brewed, vinted, and distilled by artisans of the craft! Wander amidst the bountiful market, where over 50 vendors shall unveil their finest treasures! Mark thy calendars for this enchanting event - where medieval marvels and merriment await! #RenaissanceFirehouseFaire #August19th #LiveMinstrels #FoodTrucks #ArtisanLibations #MedievalMarket #MirthandMerriment

Date: Saturday, August 19th

Time: 11-4 pm

Cost: $20 per car (all proceeds go to the SFDFD)

Location: Sykesville Freedom District Fire Department

6680 Sykesville Rd

Sykesville, MD 21784

This is a Renaissance themed fair and costumes are encouraged! Huzzah!!!
